How to do internet marketing

internet marketing
internet marketing

With the arrival of 2019 we have dedicated ourselves to preparing you so that this year you can make your website and your brand a total success on the Internet. Today we decided tofocus on reviewing the necessary elements to do Internet Marketing for this 2019 without dying in the attempt.Are you ready?

One of the great advantages that digital marketing offers us is that we can do it anywhere that has an Internet connection, so with the arrival of new technologies and the possibility of doing a home office,Digital Marketing has achieved little. little by little not only the heart of entrepreneurs, but also of millennials who are looking for job offers that allow them to move around and enjoy their hoursunlike a one hundred percent office and fixed job.

That is why we will make an effort to make this guide an example ofwhat you need to consider if you are thinking about dedicating yourself fully to digital marketingeither to grow your business or to start optimizing your clients’ brands and products.

How to do Internet Marketing?

There are manytypes of internet marketinghowever, the first thing we must define is what is online marketing; And in order not to make it complicated, we could say thatevery effort to spread your brand and your product is done through the use of the Internet in order to reach more people. In short, everything you do online to attract more people to be your customers, or know your brand.

We are not saying that traditional marketing is not necessary or is being forgotten. On the contrary, combining both digital and traditional marketing can give you incredible results, don’t you believe us? Check out our postMarketing for events, the definitive guideto give you an idea of ​​the applications of digital and traditional marketing in events such as conferences and seminars.

In order for us to make this possible, it is necessary that we apply the following elements to your digital strategy:SEO, SEM, PPC, Content Marketing, etc. Then we will take care of listing them and explain how to apply them.


Serch Engine Optimizationis basically the process of optimizing your online content so that the spiders of Google (or any search engine) can position it in the first places of the search results of a specific word -keyword-.

Inwhat is SEO and why is it important for my business?We have already talked about why the use of SEO is fundamental in this digital age and although there are elements that can be done from the creation of the content (such as strategically placing the keyword that you want to implement in the content you are going to publish)the truth is what to do SEO can be a bit time consuming and for that very reason many ignore doing it no matter how beneficial it may be for your brand or your website.

Tomake SEO must take into account the On Page and Off Page.

SEO On-Page

In recent years, Google has been in charge of updating its algorithms, so it is sometimes impossible to keep up with each update they make; especially if we consider that they make up to 600 changes a year.

However, one thing we can trust is that Google is consistent with its criteria forOn-Page SEO.If SEO is an optimization process,On-Page SEO is all we do so that search engine spiders can better value our content on our page.A clear example is the meta descriptions and keywords that we use when creating our links. Using keywords during these two elements increases the chances of appearing in the first results increase.

Some of the elements that you should consider to mega optimize your page from within are:

  • Tracking errors:or the famous 404 errors, which occur when the link is broken or we cannot find it.This can bring slowness to your page, a penalty from Google, in addition to increasing the risk that your users leave your website and your visits decrease, lowering the traffic of your page.
  • Keyword Research: Keywordsare super important elements not only to optimize your website but also to be able to create relevant content. A good investigation of the keywords that you are going to use allows you to better manage your resourcesbecause you will invest time and effort in creating content and optimizing words that may not be so saturated by your competitionor niches that no one is taking advantage of.
  • Page optimization:At this point we are going to focus ontaking care of the links that we use on the page and the URLthat we choose for our entry or content. In addition to the structure of your post, the way in which you establish your titles and sizes can help you improve your position before Google and your users.
  • The speed of your page:One of the great factors that not everyone considers when optimizing a web page isthe speed with which your content loads.Both as users and search engines, the pages that load much faster are preferred. Think about it, would you stay on a page that takes more than 10 seconds to open? No, neither do your users.

Off-Page SEO

TheOff-Page SEOas the name suggests are the actions you can take toimprove your website optimization out of ithow? Through promotional agreements with other pages or blogs, sharing your content on social media, etc.

For example,you should seek to increase the number of secure links you have on your website.By this we mean that you should cite links in your content and page that preferably are recognized or at least safe, this is so that Google does not penalize you for having suspicious activity in your content.

In the same way,your content and your links must give the same security,creating quality content and then using it as external links is another tip that can help you improve the ranking that your links obtain since the more you cite the more security they obtain before Google.

Nor can you forget toshare your content on social networks, take advantage of the numbers on your fanpage to share your content. Try to use networks that you would not normally use like LinkdIn. Believe it or not, it is a good way to make your content reach other people with similar interests who might not be able to know your content otherwise.Remember to optimize it by making your meta description a good description of it so that it invites your readers to read it and that it attracts more attention.


As we have already mentioned,Search Engine Marketing, unlike SEO, isthe optimization of your content through paid ads.You can do it by paying to position certain specific words AKA Keywords and depending on these pay different amounts for each of them. However, although it seems something that can pay off (for the monetary investment) itdoes not always work if you cannot guarantee that your investment will be guaranteed. Imagine spending thousands of dollars to make your ad look but not work./

That is why, althoughSEM works for specific campaigns, we do not recommend it as the ideal means to grow your page, since in addition to being a bit expensive (if you compare it with SEO where the investment is not one-time) it isnot guarantees to grow a fan base or audience that is really interested in your content such as SEOwhen you are interested in getting your audience to consume your content by developing topics that interest them and can be of use to others.

However, if you want to start with SEM,we recommend starting with Google AdWords,just remember to think about which campaign can be useful so as not to waste your money.

Content Marketing.

The star of internet marketing is content.We have already given you ourcontent Marketingtips to succeed on the Internet. And we have already told you about how important it is to grow your page and improve your position, but also the content helps you grow the reputation of your brand (and yours as an influencer).

One of the tips that we can give you when creating content is to focus on doing content things that no one is doing.They say that writers write about what they know and that is what you should do in this case.There is no better content than that which is born from experience. It is not about selling and talking only about your product, it is about creating content around it, for example, imagine that you have a brand of organic honey produced in your beautiful state (ahem, obviously Yucatán); Of course you can focus on the benefits of honey! But you can also take advantage of your space to establish connections that your readers might not have related, for example, some Mayan legend about bees or why not about how you can use honey as a gift or souvenir for an event or perhaps about the production process of honey or why not? The best tourist sites to visit where you can consume your delicious honey.

There are different types of content marketingthat you can apply depending on your needs, as we always remind you that the most important thing in adigital marketing strategyis to establish your goals according to your needs and not those of another person or company. To start with, the first thing you should do is plan what you want to achieve with your strategy.

It may sound very obvious butmany times the desire to become viral or popular of some brands can make them focus on creating certain content that does not contribute anything to the growth of your brandand only makes you spend resources, rememberfashion, what that suits you.

For example,podcastsare having a great year, positioning themselves as a content marketing strategy, but not everyone likes to talk or have the time to do one.

Some of the types of content marketing that you should consider are divided according to specific needs of a brand:

  • To create brand awareness:As its name indicates,this type of content is so that the public begins to know and associate your brand with certain content.For example, now everyone makes infographics to talk about certain topics, but what is the brand that we specifically associate with that type of content? That’s right, Pictoline, in addition to being pioneers in the use of this specific type, also concentrated on ensuring that the group of illustrators who worked for them developed a unique style (such as the use of a color palette for infographics) so that their product AKA the infographic they produce is recognized by anyone as part of their brand. Create posts, videos, infographics and everything else you think can help you create that brand awareness and identity.
  • To create credibility: Youalready have the medium you are going to dedicate to, let’s imagine that your choice is a podcast (because in addition to being original and unique, it gives you the opportunity to be closer to your audience); You must ensure thatthe research and data that you offer in your content are super reviewed and true since our objective in this type of content is to create the reputation of your brand as one of the leaders on the subject and who do you think it will be more credible? The page that copies and pastes the same entry in Wikipedia or the one that is dedicated to making well-founded original content.
  • To create traffic and sales:In the end, the main reason or the background of this whole strategy is to get more customers and have more sales, right? So this type of content should focus specifically on creating photos, videos, or campaigns to show and sell them.Excellent internet traffic is useless if in the end we do not take advantage of it correctly and our promotional photos remain the same as we used in 2007.Invest in the presentation of your product because in the end the real star of your marketing strategy is you product and if your audience is already convincing that you only offer them quality content, proving that your product is also will only guarantee your credibility and possibly attract more customers.

Content for social networks

We have already talked to you several times about the importance of social networks in your marketing strategy, and we know thatfor some agencies, having networks is synonymous with doing digital marketing when in reality it is only part of them.

Like the creation of content intended for a specific purpose,we cannot create the same content for networks such as Instagram or Twitter or LinkdIn.Think about what you want to achieve. Make your product look beautiful and attract the attention of millennials? Instagram or perhaps what you are interested in is creating articles so that they begin to know the benefits that your product has and why it is better than other options: A post to share on Facebook or LinkdIn or perhaps a thread on Twitter.

The important thing is that you use the advantages that each virtual social network offers you to make the most of the exposure that your brand can obtain.

One of the things that you can take advantage of is the integration that exists between different platforms to maximize your profits. It’s not just about sharing the same photo on Facebook and Instagram, but nowyou can take advantage of the Facebook Pixel integration to keep track of your ads and visits on your website.

However, the likes should not be underestimated. Remember that one of the advantages of social media is exposure and the opportunity to reach more people. As we told you before,depending on the objectives you want to achieve, you must choose on which platform to promote yourself the most.For example, if your business is clothing or food, Instagram could be a very good option (especially since it is a super visual network).

In additiondepending on your product or business can work with an influencer. Yes, I know, when we are not large international brands we always end up wondering, is there influencer marketing for SMEs?But let me tell you that influencers are a good element that you can add to your social media strategy, follow our tips to know what elements to take into account when choosing who to work with.

Pay Per Click

PPC or Pay Per Click, as its name indicates, is a strategy whose objective is to obtain clicks on your website.We know that it sounds like SEM but this strategy is implemented by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even YouTube .

The great thing about this tool is that unlike SEM, which is more related to the ads you see in search engines, PPC on platforms such as Facebook makes the content you designed specifically for that website perfectly integrated.And you can combine them; Imagine that you promote your blog entry or your fanpage, not only do you have the ad with words but you can also add an image to it so that users are more encouraged to consult, like or consume your content.

So what is the secret to Internet marketing?

Now that you have an idea of ​​some of the strategies you can implement to succeed when marketing on the Internet, we need to answer the most important one: what is the secret to carry it out?

As you may have read, all the previous strategies can be used by anyone regardless of whether they are pros or are starting in this, what makes the difference between a strategy that results and another that does not,is the creativity and resources of your team, or yours. And by resources we do not mean that you need a state-of-the-art computer, butthe ability to intelligently handle tools or your creativity. Invest time indigital marketing courses, take online classes, or watch interviews with people who have been doing this for years. We assure you that you will learn a lot about what they have to tell.

You can also combine these strategies with others to give them follow-ups or reinforce the desire of your followers to become your customers. Use strategies such as email marketing, in our guideThe secret of email marketingyou can learn about why this strategy is having its comeback in the marketing plans of companies.

And lastly, the only way you can find out how successful your marketing strategy will be is by doing it.Do not be afraid not to recover your investment, business (like everything in life) is a risk and if you want to know what will work best for you and your brand, the only way to know 100 percent is to do it. Although of course, it never hurts to ask the experts for help, either using one of our ebooks or leaving us an inbox.Just Saying. 😉


About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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