Benefits of an ERP for managers of growing companies


Making the decision to invest inERP software is for many growing companies a matter solely for their managers.The main users; that is, the rest of the employees are generally the ones who face operational or management problems on a day-to-day basis that could well be solved with software of this type. that is to say,an ERP for directors and for all the personnel within the company.

Why are growing companies thinking about automation?

Nowadays, the automation of processeswith the help of an ERP is important for all those growing companies that wish to increase their productivity,since it simplifies operations and allows their managers to focus more time and effort on other more strategic activities and that also report more economic benefits.

According to a study by McKinsey, 45% of your business processes could be automated.

You probably already have some technologies in mind and don’t know where to start, or just have no idea how to pitch your idea to your business manager.

This McKinsey study also explains why 20% of the time the CEOs of small and medium-sized companies could be freed thanks to automation.

In fact, in 2017 there was already talk that managers could improve the operation of their businesses by up to 52% thanks to automation.

This data may seem irrelevant to your manager right now, but it is clear that we are at a time when considering automation is very necessary to be successful and competitive in the market.

Automate company processes? These are its advantages:

The automation of processes withthe support of an ERP is possible:

  • Reduce costs
  • Save time
  • Improve control of operations
  • Always have up-to-date data
  • Improve communications between customers, suppliers and internal business personnel
  • The chances of having or making mistakes are reduced.
  • Increase customer satisfaction

ERP for managers: these are the benefits of business process automation for a manager

It is very common to observe how some CEO’s or members of the general management consider thatthe functions of an ERP are designed only for the operational areas of the business; however, this is completely false.

An ERP software for growing companies has functionalities that are not only very useful for managers and collaborators, but also allow directors to manage their businesses in a much more efficient and strategic way, transform their businesses, generate exponential profits and maintain competitiveness in the market.

Some of the benefits of an ERP system for business managers could be:

  • Greater controlover the business.
  • Performance dashboards withcritical and detailed informationin real time. Leaders can observe the real situation of the business with the help of an ERP.
  • A comprehensive view of the business and reliable datato make better decisions, add value to it and negotiate in a much more agile way.
  • Create and download reports and/orimmediate reports.
  • Supply chain optimization, increased profits and growth.
  • Ability to assume the constant changes of the industry andoffer exceptional customer service.

Another benefit that a director obtains when you automate business processes withERP software is to enjoy having a team that works in an integrated manner and meets its objectives on time.Providing such a solution to everyone improves results because all data is compiled, stored, accessed and shared through a single cloud-hosted system where all employees can count on accurate data in real time , act quickly and be productive.

Finally, we emphasize that when the general management is supported byautomation with an ERP system, it is possible to keep the business under control with the help of all, which means that they can enjoy less stress and more free time.

Having a little free time thanks to the automation of processes with an ERP may seem a bit irrelevant at first glance; however, remember thatabalancebetween work and personal life generates quality of life, something very important when it comes to enjoying physical and mental health.

This way you can convince the general management to automate processes

Here are someimportant recommendations so you can convince your manager to automate business processes with an ERP:

  • Tip #1: Analyze the moment that is lived within the company

It is important that before presenting the proposal to the general management you review the moment that the company is going through, so that you can define if there is an opportunity to suggest the implementation of the ERP.

Perhaps the company may be going through an important organizational change and this is not the best opportunity to propose automation,since it might not be taken into account.

It is also important to find out if the business has the financial capacity to acquire such a system in the short term or if it could find the means to have it inside.

  • Tip #2: Request detailed information about the system to be presented

No matter what ERP solution you intend to present to your directors,it is necessary to collect information about its different modules and the specific functionality of each one, the problems it solves, as well as the benefits that your company can receive with this implementation. In this way, the general management will be able to review the information in detail in order to make the purchase decision.

  • Tip #3: Research different providers or partners available

If you have already investigated various options of consulting companies that could implement ERP in your business,it is recommended that you request information about their experience,recognition, success stories, advantages of choosing them as partners and the projects they have carried out in the company. industry in which your company is located.

  • Tip #4: Request a free demo

Presenting a demo of the system operating live and with scenarios similar to those of your business will give your arguments greater strength.

With a demonstration, decision makers can clear up doubts and obtain more detailsabout the scope of the system, specific benefits for existing business processes, functionalities, references, post-implementation support, etc.

  • Tip #5: Present the complete information to your director

It is important to include data not only on the scope and functionalities, but also the approximate investment amount, the implementation time, the forms of payment or financing available, as well as the resume of the possible partner or provider of the tool.

Company directors play a crucial and extremely important role, we understand that having such a responsibility on your shoulders can be quite overwhelming and stressful. For this reason,beyond the leadership skills and knowledge that a company director may have, it is necessary for them to have technologies that help them to have everything under control,delegate functions and, above all, to act in a much more strategic way.


About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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