5 Tools to Building a Thriving Online Law Career

Online Law Career

Until recently, many never thought working online would be their norm. COVI-19 came and showed us it is possible to build an online career practising law. It is now customary to hold a complete court case virtually. Establishing a law firm that delivers services both online and in-person has become a necessity to remain in business.

A developer from Apricot law notes that a mobile-friendly law firm website attracts clients searching from any type of device. Clients who visit these sites for legal aid can navigable through their mobile devices making it easy to get services from any part of the country.

What Are the Tools for a Thriving Online Law Career?

With the advent of technology, tools are emerging to assist lawyers in establishing a thriving law career. The industry is moving forward and lawyers must create a competitive advantage in the field. These pandemic times have created the opportunity for lawyers to reinvent the practice.

Technology tools available enable lawyers to manage their routines in the cloud, set professional boundaries, manage personal matters and achieve faster results. Some of these tools include:

1. A Law Practice Management System

A practice management system coordinates different legal functions into a digital system. The storage of data in a cloud system ensures security and organization. The structure provides a one-stop-shop to retrieve client details and to review events in a particular case.

Other functions a law practice management system offers include a client portal where you can share documents with clients, a contacts database, a court calendar system and a legal billing system.

2. Online Task Management Tools

Remote working is challenging without proper task management. Slack offers a task management and communication platform through information sharing, tele-meetings, and file sharing.

In addition, the clubhouse is a highly rated project management platform. Combining both these task management apps ensures meetings and projects take place harmoniously. Using task managers will enable your team members to work as a team just as they would while working physically.

3. Track Timelines with Ease

Law firms are consistently subject to deadlines which makes tracking timelines for specific projects essential. Having tools such as Timely, TimeMiner, and Accelo is vital to tie tasks, follow work emails and mining times for previous activities. Time is an asset that we cannot afford to mismanage and tracking it helps measure impact.

4. Carry Out Your Timely Research

Researching into different topics enables the lawyer to present facts in a structured manner. Virtual work does not afford lawyers the luxury of perusing files, documents and previous judgements to get pertinent information about a case. Technology brings about tools such as Casetext and Ravel Law to assist in the research process.

The decision to avail these tools for lawyers working virtually in your firm enables them to get case law judgements relevant to the issue at hand. They also help gain insights into previous sentences, therefore saving time to peruse through piles of work.

5. Hire a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is an asset to the firm. Virtual assistants help in organization, receiving calls and transcribing cases. A present virtual assistant in the firm will create visibility even after business hours, translating into productivity.

It Is Time for Law to Embrace Technology

Technology offers immense benefits for all industries, and there is no better time to incorporate it in yours than now due to the tragic pandemic. It is crucial law firm owners embrace the use of technology through the different tools available. Make virtual working a success when you use the 5 tools mentioned above.


About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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